VIRTUS Data Centres, a leading data centre operator in the UK and a member of the ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Group, has unveiled plans for an innovative data centre campus in Saunderton, Buckinghamshire. This development, situated to the northwest of London, close to Slough’s established data centre hub, is poised to cater to the burgeoning demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. The new campus, sprawled over 50 acres, is designed to be AI-ready, promising mega-scale, high-capacity data infrastructure with a total IT capacity of 75MW across four data centres.

Scheduled for construction commencement in the fourth quarter of 2024, the campus aims for operational readiness by the second quarter of 2026. This expansion not only signifies VIRTUS’ commitment to the UK’s digital infrastructure landscape but also aligns with its broader strategy of European growth, including recent expansions in Berlin.

Neil Cresswell, reflecting on the acquisition, emphasised the strategic importance of the new campus to VIRTUS’ growth and the commitment to meeting the advanced data centre needs in the UK while expanding in Europe. The initiative underscores VIRTUS’ dedication to supporting digital transformation journeys, with a keen focus on sustainability. The campus will operate on 100% renewable energy, adhering to VIRTUS’ carbon neutrality target by 2030 and incorporating ESG initiatives such as zero waste to landfill, LEED Gold accreditation for sustainability, rainwater harvesting, and exploring the use of waste heat for adjacent farming.

The development promises to generate skilled jobs, offer training opportunities, and contribute positively to the local community and environment, demonstrating a blend of technological advancement with a commitment to societal and environmental well-being.