South Lanarkshire Council has greenlit plans to transform part of the East Kilbride shopping centre into a residential neighbourhood. The decision follows years of decline, with a third of the units in Centre West Shopping Centre now standing vacant.

Ownership of Centre West Shopping Centre will shift to the council, while the remaining portion, owned by Sapphire 16, will be put up for sale in the coming months.

The move comes after public consultation identified residential development as the preferred use for the site, aligning with the broader East Kilbride Master Plan.

Proposals to demolish Centre West and establish a ‘Civic Hub’ are underway, with the transfer of ownership expected between December 2025 and January 2026.

Councillor John Anderson of East Kilbride Central South raised questions about the housing development, seeking clarity on whether the units would be council-owned or sold for private housing.

Council officers confirmed plans for 300 to 400 units, with a potential allocation of 20 to 25 percent for social housing. However, the final decision on housing options is pending.

Councillor David Watson of East Kilbride West inquired about the financial implications of securing the unit and the projected timeline for completion.

Council officials assured that professional teams would be in place, and shops relocated before demolition commences. They emphasized a cautious approach to ensure a smooth transition, with costs and timelines being carefully monitored.