As Buckingham stands on the precipice of significant transformation, developers might want to keep a keen eye on unfolding opportunities. On Saturday, 30th September, the Buckingham Community Centre is set to host an open consultation event from 10 am to 2 pm, marking the initiation of the Buckingham Future Scenarios Consultation.

This isn’t just another Neighbourhood Plan. It’s a series of starting points, based on months of research, to discuss Buckingham’s potential trajectory over the next two decades. Before any concrete plans are laid down or contracts are signed, this consultation offers a glimpse into the town’s possible future.

Cllr. Anja Schaefer, Mayor of Buckingham, highlighted the community’s role, stating, “The scenarios consultation is part of a process that involves you, the people of Buckingham, at the early stages of the new neighbourhood plan development. I hope that many of you will come to the launch to find out what it’s all about.”

Cllr Mark Cole JP, Chairman Planning Committee, added, “The Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan is the town’s planning vision, in which residents decide what development they want and where. The 2015 BNP is now being revised, and a Town Council working group has spent the past eight months looking at possible sites for future development as the town grows.”

For developers, the emphasis on various sectors, from design and heritage to business and economic development, signals a plethora of opportunities. The consultation has already delved into areas like housing needs, environmental impact, and the potential for High Street revitalisation.

Residents have been actively involved, sharing their views on Buckingham’s values, needs, and potential housing sites. This feedback has been crucial in shaping “scenarios” for Buckingham’s development, with a focus on brownfield sites and potential settlement areas.

The public scenario consultation will run until 30th October. Developers interested in gauging the town’s developmental pulse can attend the event at the Buckingham Community Centre or access the online consultation form on the Town Council website from 30th September.

With the town’s anticipated growth and potential infrastructure projects on the horizon, developers have a unique chance to get a head start. The consultation aims to gather feedback on housing locations, the potential of brownfield sites, and the direction of new developments.

Before any ink dries on contracts, this is a chance for developers to understand Buckingham’s vision and position themselves at the forefront of its future.

*For more details or to participate in the consultation, developers can visit the Buckingham Community Centre on 30th September or access the Town Council website.*