The Wythenshawe town centre is set for a transformative redevelopment, bolstered by a £20 million grant from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. This funding, awarded by the Department of Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC) in the third round of national funding, recognises the high-quality and readiness of the Wythenshawe Civic project.

The Council is in the midst of a formal tender process to select a joint venture partner for this ambitious programme, which is expected to span the next 10 to 15 years. This partnership aims to revitalise the town centre, originally developed in the 1970s, with a forward-thinking project. The plan includes constructing a new public square, contemporary shops, and net zero carbon commercial, community, and cultural spaces. Additionally, approximately 1,600 new homes will be built on Council-owned land, offering a mix of tenures including affordable rent and shared ownership options.

Following the acquisition of the Civic shopping centre in 2022, the Council conducted extensive consultations with local residents and businesses, receiving positive feedback. The insights gained from this engagement have shaped a new development masterplan, which was endorsed by the Council’s executive in January.

Parallel to this, a feasibility study is underway to develop a cultural hub in Wythenshawe. This study involves collaboration with a specialist partner to ensure the hub meets the community’s needs and expectations.

The announcement of the successful joint venture partner, who will oversee the full scope of the regeneration programme, is anticipated in late spring 2024. This redevelopment marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Wythenshawe, heralding a new era of growth and community-focused development.