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UKREiiF Webinar: Addressing the Government’s Build Back Better and Levelling Up Agendas

Tuesday, 20th April 2021 1345hrs – 1530hrs

The second of monthly webinars in the run-up to the annual event in May 2022, the UKREiiF event in Leeds will be based around the Government’s Build Back Better and levelling up agendas as well as looking at the real estate market place and inward investment.

Our panel represents Central and Local Government at the highest level and also features two of the UK’s leading developers

Following presentations by each speaker the agenda for the subsequent discussion will include

  • Define the UK investment requirements for ensuring that ‘Build Back Better’ is delivered
  • Are we making progress regarding ‘levelling up’.
  • What does the UK require by way of inward investment over the next 10 years?
  • How do we attract inward investors to the UK; what is the formula?
  • Which sectors and regions are most attractive to inward investment and why?
  • What is the role of UK Government in supporting UK industry in attracting inward investment?
  • Which sectors and schemes (Real Estate and Infrastructure) are key to economic growth?
  • What does effective collaboration look like and how can we set the bar high enough for this to work effectively?

Ahead of the UKREiiF forum in May 2022 we will also ask the question of everyone:

‘How do we ensure that UKREiiF and all who are involved fully embrace the key themes of Inclusive growth, diversity, skills and the net zero agenda?’

To ensure that you hear first-hand about UKREiiF and how our expert panel addresses some of the industry’s biggest questions please do join us on April 20th for a webinar that will reinvigorate and inspire the industry after the Easter break

Speakers include:

Joanne Roney CBE,
Chief Executive
Gagan Mohindra MP,
Shadow Minister (Education)
Paul Kelly,
Development Director
Elizabeth Peckett,
Head of Asset Management

Interested in speaking on this webinar, meeting the speakers or raising your brand awareness – you’re able to get involved through sponsoring the webinar.

Package Speaking Slot Webinar Tickets No. Packages Cost (+VAT)
Monthly Forum Event Partner Yes 15 1 £1,500 View Details

Monthly Forum Event Partner

£1,500+VAT Per Event

There will be monthly events based on investors/developers/public sector badged as UKREiiF – this package is for the individual sponsorship of these 2-hour webinars.

Benefits include:

  • Positioned as Partner for this event
  • Sponsor an existing event or work with us to develop a bespoke title/agenda/panel of speakers
  • Chair or speak on the panel on stage
  • Option to do a five minute introduction to the panel OR thought leader’s presentation
  • Included within pre-forum speaker communications including speaker briefing calls
  • Direct access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build relationships
  • Exhibition space at the webinar
  • Fifteen tickets for the webinar
  • Logo/branding on the webinar
  • Access to Speakers VIP room
  • Access to video of the webinar

Other benefits include:

  • Logo on front page of UKREiiF website
  • Logo on the relevant page of the Built Environment Networking website
  • One editorial/case study shared through our website news/blog section
  • Online Exhibition space on the Built Environment Networking website
  • Inclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry press
  • Logo on opening page of the PowerPoint presentation
  • Chairman’s ‘thank you’ in opening and closing speech


Tickets are not currently available for this event.


Tuesday, 20th April 2021

1345hrs – 1530hrs


Online – Hopin

View our ticket T&Cs.
